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We Believe.

The world is a great and diverse place, here at SowTruth we believe in the One Almighty God "Monotheism", but with respect for "Religious Pluralism" or the ver·sa·til·i·ty of religion and faith, and that in striving for all things righteous God force can be attained. God force being a life of synchronicity and alignment, a life of divine direction that creates a feeling of ongoing growth and everlasting fulfillment. Everlasting fulfillment being described as "heaven on earth" or as the life you've always dreamed of living! 



  1. You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me.

  2. You Shall Make No Idols.

  3. You Shall Not Take The Name Of The LORD Your God In Vain.

  4. Remember The Sabbath Day, To Keep It Holy.

  5. Honor Your Father and Your Mother.

  6. You Shall Not Murder.

  7. You Shall Not Commit Adultery.

  8. You Shall Not Steal.

  9. You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor.

  10. You Shall Not Covet.

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